A few words

Empowerment of women

Self-help groups , "The warmy Project"

“Warmy” Project, whose translation from Quechua into Spanish means Woman, aims to create psychological self-help groups for women, in areas such as gender, domestic violence, self-esteem and group organisation.
This project is located in a marginal area or neighbourhood called Cerro Hermosa, in the Central Peruvian Andes.

empowers women's groups

The majority of these people come from families that have migrated from other provinces that suffer from extreme poverty and political violence (Huancavelica, Ayacucho or the Central Forest), and that are trying to improve their economic situation and give their children better education opportunities.

It is an area where basic water, drains or sanitation facilities are non-existent. In addition, there is a lack of presence or support from local governments or other institutions. The people suffer from sexism, alcoholism, domestic violence, child abuse, amongst others.

Our ultimate goal is to provide psychological help and support, of an emotional and social nature, to the women who are typically the heads of the families. In addition, we aim to provide the same type of support to children whose families suffer from these problems.

Details of this project

Volunteers must participate directly in planning, organising and implementing various activities, via discussions, workshops and through the delivery of materials to participants.

Volunteers may also contribute to the project in a similar way, by helping children that are exposed to problematical situations caused by dysfunctional families, with their mental health and self-esteem development.

Duration of volunteering
We ask that volunteers commit to a period between a minimum of 8 weeks (negotiable) to a maximum of 12 weeks.

The minimum duration is for the purposes of educational stability, in order to maintain continuity on the project and provide the children with trust and security.

Location of the project
In the marginal areas of the Andean city of Huancayo and towns around that city

Type of work:

Direct psychological and social intervention in neighbourhoods of women and children.


We need the participation of students, professionals or graduates in psychology, political sciences, pedagogy, anthropology, human resources, sociology, group therapy, social work, social education and related areas.

We need people with experience in assisting with and preventing problems relating to gender, women and children. We also accept volunteers without experience.

The programme also has non-paid internships or placements available.

IMPORTANT: It is not a problem if you do not have experience or specialization. By showing themselves to being responsible and willing to learn in this area, our volunteers can count on tailored advice from the project coordinators and director, in order for their work and voluntary contribution to be a great success.

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