SD Projects- Peru

social volunteering project in the Peruvian Andes

local non-profit organization based in the Central Andes, managed and driven by volunteers, legally registered in the since 2009, we help improve the quality of life and education of Andean immigrant women and children in vulnerable situations.

Continuing your dreams and hopes - project

We have developed social programs, without intermediaries, in the most vulnerable villages of the Peruvian Andes, where there is the greatest concentration of people living in extreme poverty and economic, social and cultural exclusion.

We offer a different form of non-commercial volunteering. This aims to organize groups that use their own resources to improve and promote self-development and quality of life and to contribute to preserve their ancient Andean culture, which focuses on mutual support, reciprocity and respect respect for nature.

Travel, discover and enjoy...
Multiple expeditions to the enigmatic Andes and jungle of Peru, the living culture of its towns and villages, its crafts, food and all its mystique and exoticism, hikes to snow-capped peaks and mountains, its beautiful waterfalls, rivers and tropical valleys, all from a perspective no comercial!

We organize internships for our projects with Women & Girls and community


Mina Lillcrona


I took part of the project for three weeks in March and had an amazing time with the children of Huancayo. I got to make an impact by teaching english with the little knowledge in spanish

Vladimir Gruev


I volunteered for the community project, which main purpose was to build brick ovens for the poorest people in the rural area of Junin. It was incredible to see with my own eyes,

Peter wotowiec


Volunteering with this project is an intense cross cultural learning experience. The needs are varied and large among the families in the program, yet smiles and genuine personal relations are the norm.

Want to make a difference?

Participate and make a difference with us

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